Palestine Solidarity Campaign defends Holocaust denier.

Here is the transcript and much clearer audio of a remarkable exchange between myself, Jonathan Hoffman and someone calling herself Jane Green outside Rivercourt Methodist Church on Thursday 6th October after a Palestine Solidarity Campaign event. I also include the PSC’s response. (Warning: Extreme language)


Jane Green – Holocaust Denier


Hoffman: You’re a Holocaust denier.
Me: You said there were no showers.
Green: Fuck off, fuck off.
Hoffman: Did you say there were no showers, did you say there were no gas chambers?
Me: How did the Jews die, how did the Jews die in the Holocaust?
Hoffman: How did the Jews die in the Holocaust, Madam?
Green: They had their foreskins chopped off.
Hoffman: And were there any gas chambers, Madam?
Green: I don’t know, I wasn’t there, darling.
Hoffman: What about the historical evidence?
Me: You said there were showers beforehand.
Green: They had showers there, too.
Me: And how did the Jews die in the Holocaust?
Green: I have no idea, I wasn’t there.
Me and Hoffman: How many Jews died in the Holocaust?
Me: How many Jews died in the Holocaust?
Green: I think a few hundred thousand did.
Me and Hoffman: But not six million?
Green: I didn’t count them, no.
Me: And do you care?
Hoffman: Was there a Holocaust?
Green: I have Jews in my family, and I’ve fucked enough Jews to tell you about circumsized.
Hoffman: Did the Holocaust exist?
Me: What’s your name, Madam?
Green: Course the Holocaust existed, I’ve seen the fucking photos. My name, Jane Green. Nice Jewish name.
Me and Hoffman: How many Jews died in the Holocaust, Jane Green?
Green: Six million and one.
Me: You said a hundred thousand before.
Green: Six million and one if it makes you happy.
Hoffman: Were there any gas chambers in the Holocaust?
Green: I don’t know, I wasn’t there.
Hoffman: But before you said there weren’t any, so say that again.
Green: I didn’t say that.
Hoffman: Say there were no gas chambers.
Green: Stop harassing me.
Hoffman: Say there were no gas chambers in the Holocaust again.
Green: I’ve no idea, I wasn’t there.
Me: Do you deny the Holocaust?
Hoffman: Do you deny the Holocaust, Madam?
Unknown woman: Course I don’t deny the Holocaust.
Green: Nobody does. No one of any intelligence denies the Holocaust.
Unknown woman: I do not deny the Holocaust.
Green: But you’re using it to fucking kill the Palestinians. You are using it.
Hoffman: Sorry, nobody is using it.
Green: You are using it to commit genocide against another people, yes you are.
Hoffman: You know that calling it a Holocaust (against the Palestinians) is anti-Semitic?
Green: I don’t call it a Holocaust, the Jews call it a Holocaust. It’s meaningless to me. The Jews call it a Holocaust. A Holocaust is a general term for a conflagration. Look in your dictionary.
Hoffman: Do you know comparing Israel’s policy to Nazi policy is anti-Semitic? Do you know that, Jane?
Green: No.
Hoffman: You don’t know that?
Green: I see them as Nazis. I see the Jews in Israel as total Nazis.
Hoffman: You know that’s an anti-Semitic remark, Jane?
Green: I don’t give a fuck.
Hoffman: Jane Green, right?
Green: Jane Green.
Hoffman: Jane Green.
Green: Nice Jewish name.

PSC response:

Statement Following Public Meeting In Hammersmith On 6 October 2011

We unequivocally condemn the views recorded by Richard Millett of a person on the public pavement in Hammersmith on 6 October 2011. Even though the recording suggests that the person appeared to have been harangued by the interviewers, the sentiments expressed have no place in the campaign for Palestinian rights and justice. Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has a very clear policy opposing all forms of racism, including Islamophobia and anti-Jewish prejudice. Moreover, PSC has issued a further statement opposing attempts to deny or minimise the Holocaust.

It is important to remember that the recorded remarks were made outside,and not inside, a meeting organised by West London PSC which was widely advertised and open to all members of the public. The meeting itself drew upon a panel of speakers of different faiths – Jewish, Muslim and Christian – who all focused on the necessity for Jerusalem to be a city for all its residents, irrespective of faith or ethnicity.

West London Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Eventhough PSC condemns Green’s “views” and “sentiments” it actually defends her by suggesting that she might have said what she did because she was being “harangued”. In any event she wasn’t harangued at all but took great pleasure in taunting us about the Holocaust, as you can clearly hear.

PSC also makes a weak attempt to distance itself from Green by emphasising that her remarks took place outside the meeting and that the meeting was focused on Jerusalem.

Green actually took inspiration from the meeting, at least for her accusation that Jews are using the Holocaust to kill the Palestinians. Not long before this exchange she had heard the Reverend Stephen Sizer in the meeting give “guilt for the Holocaust” in response to a question asking why more church leaders do not speak out about Israel’s allegedly inhuman treatment of the Palestinians:

Jane Green is not a one-off. Remarks similar to hers are whispered at the many anti-Israel events up and down the country. You just don’t get an opportunity to record them, so they are easily denied.

25 responses to “Palestine Solidarity Campaign defends Holocaust denier.

  1. Roberta Moore

    Loved the transcript! 🙂 well done guys!

    I am outraged with this statement from the PSC though:

    “The meeting itself drew upon a panel of speakers of different faiths – Jewish, Muslim and Christian – who all focused on the necessity for Jerusalem to be a city for all its residents, irrespective of faith or ethnicity.”

    Jerusalem already is a city for all its residents, irrespective of faith or ethnicity, and what they truly mean is “We want Jerusalem to belong to Muslim Arabs”.

    On the other hand I think we should keep on hammering the same kind of rhetoric to our enemies because if it works for them it should also work for us: “Mecca should be a city for all its residents irrespective of faith or ethnicity. “

    • Hi Roberta,

      Do you guys have a branch in Bridlington? I have a friend who has expressed interest in the EDL and may be interested in some “home canvassing”.

  2. Which part of:

    We unequivocally condemn the views recorded by Richard Millett of a person on the public pavement in Hammersmith on 6 October 2011. Even though the recording suggests that the person appeared to have been harangued by the interviewers, the sentiments expressed have no place in the campaign for Palestinian rights and justice. Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has a very clear policy opposing all forms of racism, including Islamophobia and anti-Jewish prejudice. Moreover, PSC has issued a further statement opposing attempts to deny or minimise the Holocaust.

    … didn’t you understand???

    And yes, she was harangued by the two clowns of British Zionism. But Green’s views are totally repulsive and she represents no one but herself (I’ve never before heard of a woman called Janet Green) and your attempt at trying to create linkage between the PSC and Holocaust denial shows Zionism has no real arguments left.

    You’re a reality denier: PSC couldn’t have condemned Green’s outrageous stance any better, yet you make out they ‘defend’ her. Shame, shame, shame on you!

  3. Anyway, I see your admirer from the EDL has moved in, so I’d better get out or grab a sick bag.

  4. Jonathan Hoffman

    Gert you do not understand – or do not wish to understand – the meaning of the word “harangue”.

    You are in denial – but that is necessary for you, isn’t it?

  5. Jonathan and Richard, I’m normally on your side. But the WLPSC made a pretty unequivocal rejection of this horrible womans views. You two are in danger of coming across as a pair of stroppy teenagers at the sixth form debating society.
    I’m sure the majority of the PSC are idealists, who have fallen for the anti-Zionist propaganda and people like this Jane Green are in the minority. But all the PSC/ anti-Zionist/anti-Israel activists are a hard core minority. We need to convince the great undecided mass of decent people out there and you’ve done a great job by posting this material. Most sane, reasonable people will recoil in disgust from these views and be reluctant to be associated with the PSC.
    Please don’t squander your time and talents getting wound up by a few hate filled cretins.

    • agree completely with Tony. The PSC completely condemned Green’s views. Its a bit desperate to pretend they didn’t.

      There are more important challenges and opportunities than waving tape recorders at random loonies.

      • such as?

        writing learned treatises about it for example to be published in obscure but highly sophisticated magazines?

        I find it highly interesting what kind of mindset is attracted by venues like these.

  6. Gert/ Rick
    I suggest it’s you two who are the clowns .
    Harrys Place has already outed the PSC as being riddled with antisemites . The most recent post has one Laura Stuart speaking at a PSC meeting in Finchley . She speaks of her concern that every Jew she passes in the street could be IDF or been a part of the Mavi Mamara incident .
    She in turn receives rapturous applause for these outrageous comments . Just imagine if the Zionist Federation hosted a speaker who expressed concerns that every Muslim in Tower Hamlets could be a potential suicide bomber .
    It would be front page news with everyone screaming Jewish islamaphobia . Psc protestations of innocence are contemptible .
    But in fact the antisemitism goes much deeper and is at the very core of this organization . To call for a Palestinian state from the “river to the sea ” as the psc make clear is in itself antisemitic . It denies the Jewish people the right to their own self determination . More than that it is dismissive of the fact that in order to achieve such a goal would require either Israeli Jews to roll over and simply acquiesce or to establish their goal through existential war . No matter the apocalyptic scenario , it’s all about the cause .
    There may well be a few individuals within the psc with genuine concern for justice for both Israelis and Palestinians . In reality it’s just a Convenient repository for hard core antisemites to come out of the closet and express their hatred under the cover of an antizionist organization .

  7. Once again , all credit to both Richard and Jonathan for their total dedication in exposing the hatred and lies of these repellent organizations . It really takes something special to trawl through the cess pool and maintain enough composure to produce a such a calmly researched forensic report on the activities of these groups . Together with Harry Place , Jonathan and Richard should be recognized as being at the forefront of the drive to expose the psc/ bds and others as the rascists and antisemites they happen to be . I very much hope that all this carefully researched material is not simply archived but used by the authorities as a reference point in the battle against endemic racism within the far left and radical Islamist groups .

  8. After eagerly anticipating the interview’s transcription, I felt a distinct sensation of disappointment with the result. To my mind, the only lines of any interest were those in which the goof lady’s boasted:

    “Hoffman: Was there a Holocaust?
    Green: I have Jews in my family, and I’ve fucked enough Jews to tell you about circumcised.”

    While Hoffman’s question was as simple as snow, Green’s answer was anything but that. It divides itself into two clauses, neither of which appear to be linked to each other or, indeed, to the question.

    Green hints at her background on two other occasions claiming to have a “Nice Jewish name”, but in the first part of her answer she qualifies this assertion, professing “Jews in my family”. One hardly has to be Lieutenant Columbo to deduce that Jane’s Jewish roots are paternal.

    In the second clause Jane adds weight to this variation on “some of my best friends are Jewish” when she explains that she has had sexual intercourse with “enough Jews”. While the word fuck has several other colloquial meanings, Green leaves us in no doubt as to her intention when she adds that it was in the fucking of these aforementioned Jews that she gained her expertise in “circumcised”. All in all, I believe Green to now be saying that not only are some of her best friends Jewish, but so are several members of her family and she has copulated with many circumcised Jewish men too. These facts are sufficient to clearly establish her credentials as an authority on the Arab-Israeli conflict, although she freely acknowledges her ignorance regarding the Holocaust because she “wasn’t there” though she confirms its existence having “seen the fucking photos”.

    As I said in a previous page of this fine blog, I consider Jane Green to be an authentic representative of the anti-Israel forces at work in the United Kingdom and as such she should be justified rather than condemned. I have sent a letter to this effect to the excellent West London Palestine Solidarity Campaign, but have yet to receive a reply, possibly because of the Festival of Tabernacles.

    Sizer, the Rivercourt Methodist Church and Holocaust denial.

    I leave our readers with a final question as to why Jane Green’s much celebrated acquaintanceship with circumcision has been acquired exclusively at the expense of those ill-fated gentlemen of the mosaic persuasion. After all, it is well known that our Muslim cousins engage in a similar practice for similar reasons, so what could be the reason for this apparent penile preference dare I say discrimination? Are her poor circumcised Palestinians brothers good enough to march with and good enough to fight for, but not worthy enough to enjoy the delights of Jane Green’s undoubted sexual prowess? Or could it be that in the true spirit of Twenty-first Century Post-Modern Anti-Semitism Jane is intent on fucking the Children of Israel in every sense of the word?

  9. Roberta Moore

    Hi Daniel,

    How are you?
    I left the EDL in July this year. I now head the JDL UK 😉
    Same work.

  10. Dear Marks
    Thank you for that fascinating discourse on the sexual predilections of the Militant female antisemite .
    Having read about Laura Stuarts obsession with Greensteins sticky moments and frequent omissions ( with the truth that is ) and now Jane Greens rampant desire for the Tribe members members , I have to admit to feeling slightly intimidated when shopping for baclava at my favourite lebanese supermarket Green valleys in Upper Berkley street . What with all those ladies in their niquabs , I started to wonder if they too were lusting after a Jewish lad from North London ( forbidden fruit etc) . Do you have any advice as I m unable to do my weekly shop.

  11. That of course should have read Dr Marks . My apologies for my emission .

    • Dear Harvey,

      If you’ve already solicited my advice, might I suggest that you stick with strictly kosher baklava, or even better none at all. Plenty of fresh fruit and veg should leave you healthier and help minimize those nasty emissions too.

      I also find that half an avocado pear early every morning, after prayers, helps keep me surprisingly regular.

      All the best,

  12. Dear Dr Marks
    Thank you for your kind advice . I also find that a daily reading of the PSC website keeps me extremely regular ( both ends ) .

  13. attilathecricketer

    To echo some comments above your wasting your time focusing on a lass like that one (also your colleague was haranguing her). Misleading headline as they condemn her. I mean implying they are in the same camp is the same as saying me and Silke are in the same camp merely because we both agree Israel should exist. As for the PSC chap we have felt guilt about what happened in Second World War and that has helped Israel in the past.

  14. I object to “should” – Israel exists – period.

    I would feel it the height of presumption if I felt the need to “should”.

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