BBC News at 10 advertises Israel hate organisation from Mandela memorial event in Johannesburg.

BBC reporter's piece to camera for News at 10 on Tuesday night.

BBC reporter’s piece to camera for News at 10 on Tuesday night.

I don’t know what the definition of an “advert” is but I don’t expect to see any adverts on the BBC considering every British household with a tv has to stump up £145.50 a year for the BBC not to show them.

Had a BBC reporter been standing directly in front of a banner showing of box of, let’s say, Persil Automatic at the memorial event for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg on Tuesday for a piece for the BBC’s News At 10 I am sure complaints would have come in thick and fast.

Instead, for part of her piece to camera, a BBC reporter stood directly in front of a banner advertising the Palestine Solidarity Alliance. Underneath that name and their logo was Nelson Mandela’s quote “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians”. The reporter then walked away to give a clear view of the banner:

The piece in front of the banner lasted for some 15 seconds, which would have commanded a fair return in terms of advertising revenue. This is some of what those lovely folk at the Palestine Solidarity Alliance desire:

“The PSA strives to build a National and International Movement that supports the campaign to isolate Apartheid Israel and promote solidarity with the people of Palestine in their quest for self determination. In this we draw attention to the human rights violations perpetrated by Apartheid Israel, the inequality that defines the racism inherent in Zionism and the injustices that continue to cause conflict and suffering. Furthermore, we also celebrate the heroic battles and victories of Palestinian people and movements in their struggle for freedom and human dignity.

Expose the evil nature of Zionism as a racist colonial venture in defiance of four Geneva Conventions, UN Resolutions 181, 194, 242, 338 and other multilateral and international human rights conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Align with solidarity movements to build a strong (BDS) Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement with the freedom loving people and leaders of South Africa”

The PSA also explicitly calls for “the right for return of the Palestinian refugees”. This is, in other words, the demographic destruction of the Jewish state.

I am not sure that Nelson Mandela, known for his desire for conciliation at any cost, would have been too proud of the BBC. Despite what Nelson Mandela might have said in favour of the Palestinians he was also quite understanding of Israel’s security needs.

But I wouldn’t bother complaining to the BBC. When a viewer complained to the BBC about anti-Israel activist Tony Greenstein wearing a Palestine Solidarity Campaign shirt and badge on the BBC’s The Big Question the BBC replied that his attire “was another form of expression”.

Sadly, I’m sure the BBC will respond in a similar ridiculous vein to any complaints about that PSA banner.

14 responses to “BBC News at 10 advertises Israel hate organisation from Mandela memorial event in Johannesburg.

  1. Well spotted Richard. Yes we’re tired of the BBC cavorting with the enemies of Israel. How is it that the Chairman of the Trust and the DG pass on by with clear conscience?

  2. Ah, the BBC at its best!

  3. Thanks for your report .it is always worth complaining Richard whatever the answer is .officially . Complaints have to be answered and it costs time and efffort and it may be the individual answering on behalf of the media sympathises with what you say and idiscusses the justice in what you say with others..

  4. Ha, fat chance of any individual in the BBC complaints system sympathising with anybody asking for impartiality. They wouldn’t have such a job if they dissented from the official line of this monolith. All responses I’ve seen, my own and others, are seemingly taken from a template invariably apologising first for a late response then justifying why the complainant cannot possibly have anything to complain about. If its information requested that’s hidden away under derogation in terms of journalism art and literature.

    However you are right that we must keep them busy by placing in front of them at every turn just how despicably biased the BBC is. They need to know they are being watched and when the time comes will be held to account.

  5. Nelson Mandela was partly responsible for the UN Durban Conference that was an antisemitic hate fest when it purported to be an “anti-racism” conference! Neither he, nor any of his colleagues in power then, condemned what went on in Durban. He was bosom buddies with Desmond Tutu who is, in turn, influenced by Jew-hating Jews like Ronnie Kasriels. It didn’t matter to Mandela how many abuses of human rights were taking place elsewhere in Africa, and who was behind them, as long as it was not whites imposing their rule on black rather than the opposite, as in Zimbabwe. He may have forgiven his captors, but not other, innocent white people.

  6. And still no chance of the BBC publishing the Michael Balen report.

  7. “The ISA strives to build a National and International Movement that supports the campaign to isolate Apartheid “Palestine” and promote solidarity with the people of Israel in their quest for self determination. In this we draw attention to the human rights violations perpetrated by Apartheid “Palestine”, the inequality that defines the racism inherent in Islamofascism and the injustices that continue to cause conflict and suffering. Furthermore, we also celebrate the heroic battles and victories of Israeli people and movements in their struggle for freedom and human dignity.

    Expose the evil nature of Palestinianism as a racist, imperialist colonial venture in defiance of four Geneva Conventions, UN Resolutions 181, 194, 242, 338 and other multilateral and international human rights conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Align with solidarity movements to build a strong (BDS) Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of “Palestine” Movement with the freedom loving people and leaders of Humanity.”

  8. The wikipedia page on the “Criticism of the BBC”, “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” section, has an excellent section on BBC taking sides – and propagandizing.

    Balen Report

    “Criticism of the BBC’s Middle East coverage from supporters of both Israel and Palestine led the BBC to commission an investigation and report from a senior broadcast journalist Malcolm Balen, referred to as the Balen Report and completed in 2004. The BBC’s refusal to release the report under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 resulted in a long-running and ongoing legal case.[41][42] This led to speculation that the report was damning, as well as to accusations of hypocrisy, as the BBC frequently made use itself of Freedom of Information Act requests when researching news stories.[43]”

  9. Pingback: BBC News at 10 advertises Israel hate organisation from Mandela memorial event in Johannesburg | BBC Watch

  10. Don’t knock Tony Greenstein. His egregious anti-Israel letter in the NALGO journal 30 years ago was the catalyst that inspired me to research the maligned country and to move to Israel.

  11. Furthermore, out of all the crafty subliminal advertisements that might hoodwink us into purchasing superfluous items or agreeing with otherwise disagreeable views, I sincerely question to what extent the garment that adorned Tony Greenstein’s torso would be able to influence hearts and minds.

    Though watching Sean Connery sip A Martini might have caused ladies who want to be with him and gentlemen who want to be him to purchase the beverage, and without detracting in any way from my Tony Greenstein’s boyish good looks, I would have to speculate that if what he’s saying hasn’t swayed the audience, his chest shan’t be tipping the balance.

    Like June before me, I like Tony very much, partly because of the boundless admiration I have always had for “Champions of Lost Causes”. In this context I refer our readers to a comment that he was kind enough to publish on his own excellent blog.

    The whole post is well worthy of reading and gives a fascinating insight into the Greenstein’s psyche. As I recently wrote, to read it is to cry.

  12. this is shocking, the fact that this church would promote such rubbish and promote the one sided agenda europeans seem to have for jews and their nation is getting more and more absurd each day. the jewish community in england have themselves to blame, they have grown fat and lazy and take things like this laying down, they are represented by complacent individuals who should see this for what it is, a delegitimisation of their own identity, anti semitism, history being re written, and propaganda. even today rockets are being fired at israel indiscriminately targeting publics transport, schools, and homes, where does the church stand on that issue. why with the palestinians of course, manufactured outrage, trendy lost causes or just plain hate.
    the people who decided to spread such a xmas message should be accountable and their supporters ashamed.
    history repeats until you learn the lesson.

  13. Meanwhile ;and I quote Reverend Majed El Shafie, President of One Free World International (OFWI),
    “”Hamas digs up the bodies of Christians from Christian burial sites in the Gaza Strip claiming that they pollute the earth,”

    Wonder what the BBC make of that!

  14. Stormfront Carol, Hitler’s speeches would nearly look tolerable if compared to your rants.
    Israeli Christians are thriving and increasingly participating to its army and democracy, despite being mostly Arabs.
    In a few years, Israel will be the only refuge for Christians in the Middle East.