Palestine Solidarity Campaign stages Seven Jewish Children

Imagine the outcry if an organisation staged a play called Seven Muslim Children.

The play might start off with Srebrenica where 8,000 innocent Muslim men and boys were murdered by the Serbs.

It might then portray how Muslims have become so hardened by the massacre that they don’t care who they kill or cause to suffer.

It might then show how Muslims dehumanise their enemies to justify the murder of innocent children, while all the time taking solace for this from the Koran.

There would be an outcry in the media and political circles and justified cries of Islamophobia. Jewish organisations would protest against such a play.

So why is there no outcry over the continued staging of Carly Churchill’s Seven Jewish Children which portrays Jews gradually being transformed from the innocent killed into the killers of the innocent.

Why are mainstream Muslim organisations silent?

I saw this play when it was originally performed at the Royal Court theatre. The theatre was full.

It was quite unnerving sitting there as a lone Jew watching the audience heartily applaud.

The play packs virtually every single anti-Jewish trope going into its nine minutes.

It felt like a throwback to past times when Jews were a powerless minority continuously taunted by a non-Jewish majority.

But this was London, 2009.

Now not only is the Palestine Solidarity Campaign staging it on December 7th as part of its Winter Concert, it is doing so at the Polish Centre in Hammersmith, London.

It adds insult to injury to hold an anti-Jewish play that invokes the Holocaust at a Polish centre when 3,000,000 of the 6,000,000 million Jews who perished during the Holocaust died in Poland.

Here is a performance of Seven Jewish Children:

And the script:


Tell her it’s a game
Tell her it’s serious
But don’t frighten her
Don’t tell her they’ll kill her
Tell her it’s important to be quiet
Tell her she’ll have cake if she’s good
Tell her to curl up as if she’s in bed
But not to sing.
Tell her not to come out
Tell her not to come out even if she hears shouting
Don’t frighten her
Tell her not to come out even if she hears nothing for a long time
Tell her we’ll come and find her
Tell her we’ll be here all the time.
Tell her something about the men
Tell her they’re bad in the game
Tell her it’s a story
Tell her they’ll go away
Tell her she can make them go away if she keeps still
By magic
But not to sing.


Tell her this is a photograph of her grandmother, her uncles and
Tell her her uncles died
Don’t tell her they were killed
Tell her they were killed
Don’t frighten her.
Tell her her grandmother was clever
Don’t tell her what they did
Tell her she was brave
Tell her she taught me how to make cakes
Don’t tell her what they did
Tell her something
Tell her more when she’s older.
Tell her there were people who hated Jews
Don’t tell her
Tell her it’s over now
Tell her there are still people who hate Jews
Tell her there are people who love Jews
Don’t tell her to think Jews or not Jews
Tell her more when she’s older
Tell her how many when she’s older
Tell her it was before she was born and she’s not in danger
Don’t tell her there’s any question of danger.
Tell her we love her
Tell her dead or alive her family all love her
Tell her her grandmother would be proud of her.


Don’t tell her we’re going for ever
Tell her she can write to her friends, tell her her friends can maybe
come and visit
Tell her it’s sunny there
Tell her we’re going home
Tell her it’s the land God gave us
Don’t tell her religion
Tell her her great great great great lots of greats grandad lived
Don’t tell her he was driven out
Tell her, of course tell her, tell her everyone was driven out and
the country is waiting for us to come home
Don’t tell her she doesn’t belong here
Tell her of course she likes it here but she’ll like it there even
Tell her it’s an adventure
Tell her no one will tease her
Tell her she’ll have new friends
Tell her she can take her toys
Don’t tell her she can take all her toys
Tell her she’s a special girl
Tell her about Jerusalem.


Don’t tell her who they are
Tell her something
Tell her they’re Bedouin, they travel about
Tell her about camels in the desert and dates
Tell her they live in tents
Tell her this wasn’t their home
Don’t tell her home, not home, tell her they’re going away
Don’t tell her they don’t like her
Tell her to be careful.
Don’t tell her who used to live in this house
No but don’t tell her her great great grandfather used to live in
this house
No but don’t tell her Arabs used to sleep in her bedroom.
Tell her not to be rude to them
Tell her not to be frightened
Don’t tell her she can’t play with the children
Don’t tell her she can have them in the house.
Tell her they have plenty of friends and family
Tell her for miles and miles all round they have lands of their own
Tell her again this is our promised land.
Don’t tell her they said it was a land without people
Don’t tell her I wouldn’t have come if I’d known.
Tell her maybe we can share.
Don’t tell her that.


Tell her we won
Tell her her brother’s a hero
Tell her how big their armies are
Tell her we turned them back
Tell her we’re fighters
Tell her we’ve got new land.


Don’t tell her
Don’t tell her the trouble about the swimming pool
Tell her it’s our water, we have the right
Tell her it’s not the water for their fields
Don’t tell her anything about water.
Don’t tell her about the bulldozer
Don’t tell her not to look at the bulldozer
Don’t tell her it was knocking the house down
Tell her it’s a building site
Don’t tell her anything about bulldozers.
Don’t tell her about the queues at the checkpoint
Tell her we’ll be there in no time
Don’t tell her anything she doesn’t ask
Don’t tell her the boy was shot
Don’t tell her anything.
Tell her we’re making new farms in the desert
Don’t tell her about the olive trees
Tell her we’re building new towns in the wilderness.
Don’t tell her they throw stones
Tell her they’re not much good against tanks
Don’t tell her that.
Don’t tell her they set off bombs in cafés
Tell her, tell her they set off bombs in cafés
Tell her to be careful
Don’t frighten her.
Tell her we need the wall to keep us safe
Tell her they want to drive us into the sea
Tell her they don’t
Tell her they want to drive us into the sea.
Tell her we kill far more of them
Don’t tell her that
Tell her that
Tell her we’re stronger
Tell her we’re entitled
Tell her they don’t understand anything except violence
Tell her we want peace
Tell her we’re going swimming.


Tell her she can’t watch the news
Tell her she can watch cartoons
Tell her she can stay up late and watch Friends.
Tell her they’re attacking with rockets
Don’t frighten her
Tell her only a few of us have been killed
Tell her the army has come to our defence
Don’t tell her her cousin refused to serve in the army.
Don’t tell her how many of them have been killed
Tell her the Hamas fighters have been killed
Tell her they’re terrorists
Tell her they’re filth
Don’t tell her about the family of dead girls
Tell her you can’t believe what you see on television
Tell her we killed the babies by mistake
Don’t tell her anything about the army
Tell her, tell her about the army, tell her to be proud of the army.
Tell her about the family of dead girls, tell her their names why
not, tell her the whole world knows why shouldn’t she know? tell
her there’s dead babies, did she see babies? tell her she’s got
nothing to be ashamed of. Tell her they did it to themselves. Tell
her they want their children killed to make people sorry for them,
tell her I’m not sorry for them, tell her not to be sorry for them,
tell her we’re the ones to be sorry for, tell her they can’t talk
suffering to us. Tell her we’re the iron fist now, tell her it’s the fog
of war, tell her we won’t stop killing them till we’re safe, tell her I
laughed when I saw the dead policemen, tell her they’re animals
living in rubble now, tell her I wouldn’t care if we wiped them out,
the world would hate us is the only thing, tell her I don’t care if
the world hates us, tell her we’re better haters, tell her we’re
chosen people, tell her I look at one of their children covered in
blood and what do I feel? tell her all I feel is happy it’s not her.
Don’t tell her that.
Tell her we love her.
Don’t frighten her.

Seven Jewish Children is Caryl Churchill’s
response to the situation in Gaza in January
2009, when the play was written.
Seven Jewish Children first published in Great Britain in 2009 by
Nick Hern Books Limited, 14 Larden Road, London, W3 7ST,
in association with the Royal Court Theatre, London
Seven Jewish Children copyright © 2009 Caryl Churchill Limited
Caryl Churchill has asserted her moral right to be identified as
the author of this work
Typeset by Nick Hern Books, London
ISBN 978 1 84842 047 2

9 responses to “Palestine Solidarity Campaign stages Seven Jewish Children

  1. Well, no, there wouldn’t be ‘justified’ cries of Islamophobia, since ‘Islamophobia’ is an utterly stupid term. Like so much else about Islam’s culture of professional victimhood, it derives from a hijacking of the term ‘antisemitism’ and turning it around to serve a mendacious narrative, one in which the aggressor becomes the victim and vice versa. Similarly, ‘naqba’ is a shameless hijacking of ‘Holocaust’.
    There is no doubt, of course, that CC’s sick and sickening ‘play’ is antisemitic to the core. I really think that a large, completely silent demonstration, carrying placards such as ‘Shameless insult to the memory of 1 million murdered Jewish children’, is very necessary. Perhaps a similar one also outside the Law Society.

  2. PS. I don’t think that is the correct phone no. for the Polish centre – that’s the restaurant.

  3. Yoni, there is a lot of horrific anti-Muslim bigotry in this country.

    Richard, a great post again.

  4. anti-Muslim bigotry and anti-Jewish bigotry are not the same

    taking my own mind-set as an example I am as much enraged, if not more so, by what our Muslim loudmouths do to tarnish the good names of my former Turkish colleagues then what they try to impose on my freedoms and no that is not a “some of my good friends” argument.
    It is an argument against people who have chosen screaming as their profession.

  5. My only question is what form the 21st century version of the yellow star will they adopt in the UK and how long will it take for the Jews there to recognize it for what it is. I imagine you’re only 1 or 2 years away from demanding that all UK Israeli dual citizens pick one or the other or face expulsion. Probably face expulsion either way. Sure call me an alarmist but I don’t think I am.

  6. are you sure about this? i looked on their events calendar and couldnt see it.

  7. There is no ‘horrific anti-Muslim’ bigotry in this country. There is a leaning over backwards to accomodate immigrants who cleave to a medieval political worldview, a huge percentage of whom (check the latest polls) believe that Islam has a right and a duty to impose its law on the whole world by force, if need be, and that it’s OK to murder ‘apostates’, and that Jews are subhuman. There is also a perfectly rational concern about these facts, and also about the facts that there have been many terrorist mass-murders and attempted mass-murders in this country and across the western world, and not too many of those have been by Buddhists and Sikhs (and of course, it happens on a daily basis in the Muslim world). This is not a ‘phobia’.

  8. Richard, I’ve had an email back from one Barbara Zagrodniczek, who resorts to the Law Society defence that “it’s nothing to do with us, guv, we only allowed them to rent the room”.
    Hypocritical scum.