SOAS Update.

Thank you very much for all the support I received in light of last Monday’s Palestine Society event at SOAS when I was manhandled and told I was a “typical Israeli”, eventhough I am a proud Brit.

I received incredible emails from all over the world with people appreciating my attempts to cover anti-Israel meetings in London and appalled by my treatment.

I received emails from those who completely disagree with my views on Israel, but were still appalled by the way I was dealt with.

And thank you for the Arabic translations too.

I never got to the bottom of why I was called a “typical Israeli”. Only that student knows what was in his mind.

I had a very constructive chat with SOAS who said they had been inundated with emails from both sides but who wanted to continue to welcome me to SOAS and they said they will be reviewing their filming policy.

Much has been made of my not applying for consent to film, but when I was thudded in the shoulder from behind and shouted at to stop filming I wasn’t asked whether I had been granted such permission by SOAS. As it happens I didn’t know there was a filming policy as it has never been mentioned at any SOAS event I have attended (and I have attended a fair few).

There was also at least one other person filming who, it seems, didn’t have the required permission either. Meanwhile, I always see students filming on their IPhones.

And, unless I nodded off temporarily, none of the required announcements in accordance with the filming policy were made at the start of last Monday’s meeting by the organisers themselves!

I believe that in a public space such as a university freedom of speech is commensurate with a right to cover that freedom of speech without fear or hindrance. No one should be disallowed from filming solely because of their political views.

I was targeted last Monday night because of my political views. No one else filming would have been roughed up like that. And I have never disrupted an event, despite what is being put about by my detractors.

Sadly, SOAS students, it seems, have received a highly defamatory and incendiary statement from the SOAS Student Union on behalf of the Palestine Society, which has potential repercussions for my personal safety at SOAS and which was sent to me by a concerned SOAS student. One of the paragraphs states of me:

“By now, we are well aware of his intentions. He first provokes, intimidates and insults (including racially) speakers, organisers or members of the audience and violates generally accepted conventions of public meetings.”

This is reminiscent of another SOAS talk I attended on 16th April about Israel’s Arab minority where I wasn’t even filming. At the talk I was verbally insulted by Gilbert Achcar, a SOAS lecturer, who, after I had asked a perfectly reasonable question during the Q&A, told the room that I was a “professional disruptor”, that had he known I was coming he would have barred me from attending and that I had left insulting remarks on his answering machine. He then told me to get out.

Of course I didn’t leave messages on his machine. I wouldn’t even dream of it.

Aggressive targeting of those supportive of Israel is not confined to university campuses. At the beginning of the year I was put through a torrid few months when Peter Scott and Salim Alam of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign tried to have me prosecuted for harassment because of some videos and photos I posted of them demonstrating against Veolia outside the Natural History Museum in December.

I was at a reasonable distance while filming their political activism but I ended up being called into Notting Hill Police Station to be questioned about my filming and what I had written on my blog. Scott and Alam seemed to have failed to tell the police that I and others are constantly filmed and photographed for their anti-Israel blog.

To my relief the police eventually decided against any further action, but had it come to court the following footage might have made interesting viewing. It shows Salim Alam outside the now defunct Ahava shop in Covent Garden getting up close and personal to the camera of Roy from Campaign4Truth who was filming legally but still, as you can see, gets his camera whacked by one of Alam’s colleagues:

98 responses to “SOAS Update.

  1. Did the police arrest you or just “ask” you to come in? And did they question you under caution? Also, did they ask anything SPECIFIC about your blog (or say anything to indicate that they had actually read it?) Or did they go on a fishing expedition?

    • richardmillett

      Yes, it was under caution with a view to possible charges being brought. I was waiting for a phone call for a week to see what the police had decided. It was worse than waiting for my Law Finals result! Yes, it was all about that specific blog post I have linked to. The police read it and looked at two of the videos and one of the photographs I had posted which formed the basis of Alam’s and Scott’s “evidence”.

  2. To attack you the way they are doing reveals their larger agenda of tyranny and fascism. If they are telling the truth, and really believe that they are telling the truth, they should be grateful that you are giving them free coverage!

  3. danielmarks


    One Sunday, A few weeks after my bar mitzvah I foolishly took what seemed at the time a great deal of money and went to Wembley Market. On my way home I needed to make a call and was happy to locate a phone box.

    However as I was about to enter it an extremely large and scary looking gentile arrived with a similar need. I decided that my call might not be so urgent after all, and that it would be circumspect to offer my new acquaintance the chance to go first. He was pleased and thanked me.

    As I waited outside the box another gentleman who using the politically correct terminology of 1974 would have been described as “colored” approached me and politely and in a surprisingly calm manner began to mug me. He demanded that I give him money. I was petrified that if I’d open my wallet he’d take it all, so tried to play for time by asking how much he needed, etc, until I could think of some solution to my sad predicament.

    The first gentleman finished his call and thanked me again, and then I had a brain-wave. I explained that I was in the process of being mugged and wondered whether he could help me out. He was only too pleased to return the favor and literally lifted the second gentleman into the air by his collar – as I said he was extremely big. As my highway robber dangled in the air he tried to reason with my defender and said, “But he’s a Jew” The reply shocked both of us, “So am I a Jew!”

    I thought it wise to take leave of my two new pals as quick as possible, still amazed at that incredible nine-word conversation, but as I live and breathe I will swear my savior was as Jewish as I am Chinese. That was what made his reply all the more profound.

    He was saying that if a Jew is being mugged, then I am a Jew. His words echoed those of Kennedy:

    “All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words “Ich bin ein Berliner!”” – but they were so much more eloquent and so much more exquisite.

    Richard, don’t rush to deny being an Israeli, even if your passport says otherwise. I have long considered you an honorary Israeli citizen, and particularly on the days that we’re being attacked – wear that ancient word with pride.

  4. Oh Richard I have some sympathy for your experience, However a university room that has been booked by someone for a meeting ceases to be a public space for the duration of that meeting, or it remains a public space at the discretion of the bookers of the room. That the organisers of the meeting did not behave well is by the by. It was THEIR meeting. And your case is not helped by your connection with Jonathan Hoffman who is on record as advocating meeting disruption.

    Do try to be less of a cry baby.

  5. Daniel you do know that what kennedy said translates as ” I am a turnip ? ”

    If he wanted to say ” I am a Berliner ” he needed to say ” Ich bin Berliner “.

    • ‘However a university room that has been booked by someone for a meeting ceases to be a public space for the duration of that meeting’

      Rubbish. It is still a public space, and the bookers are bound by the same rules as everybody else.

      • zkh I used to be the secretary of a University Rugby League Club. We often booked iniversity rooms for committee meetings, socials etc. For the duration of the booking it was our space. Are you seriously suggesting anyone that wished to could walk in and start filming us ? That proposition is absurd. For the duration of the booking it was our space. We could make it as private or as public as we wished. And could change our minds whenever we wished.

      • richardmillett

        That isn’t the case at SOAS. SOAS decides the rules, not the PalSoc.
        Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

      • Unlike your situation, this was a +public lecture+, in a +public+/SOAS owned space. If others were filming, without permission of SOAS, so far as I can see, I can’t see any grounds to compel Richard not to, certainly not on the grounds of his views. You can’t discriminate against attendees of a public lecture on the ground of their views. I suspect that falls foul of umpteen rules and guidelines, +especially+ if enacted by a member of staff (which Yael Kahn is?).

        Some philosopher you are, if you can’t tell the difference. Even so, I don’t know what the situation was in your meetings. Perhaps you wouldn’t have had the right to compel another not to film you, rather seek university staff.

  6. danielmarks

    I am forever impressed at the width and breadth of your ignorance. Like the child that you are, you clutch on to every long-refuted urban legend hoping one day to impress someone. What exactly was your area of study?

    Though I have no doubt that you are capable of understanding it, I’ve made the full version of the article available for our readers, in case they have any doubts as to the prat you are:

    Click to access Ich%20bin.pdf

    • well done Daniel

      btw in German there are sausages called Frankfurter and Wiener (don’t ask me what’s the difference to me they taste alike).

      In the case of Berlin saying “ich bin Berliner” is possible but would strongly imply that one is a native of that city. Saying “ich bin Frankfurter” is also possible but sounds even more awkward. As to the people of Vienna I can’t offer an opinion since their usage of language is different to very different from correct German which varies much from North to South to East to West.

      Even though “ich bin Berliner” is a possible and correct, in real life more often than not one would rather say “ich bin gebürtiger Berliner” (I have been born in Berlin) or “ich wohne in Berlin” (I live in Berlin). Even “ich bin ein Berliner” though perfectly correct is probably rarely used in German but in the context of JFK’s speech a perfect conveyor of what he wanted to tell us.

      rich has fallen headlong into the favourite trap of the ignorant, trying to brag about his obviously not existing knowledge of German.

      • danielmarks

        Hi Silke, I’ve missed you.

        As you know my German is crap, but I know a little about research. You hardly have to be a genius to google.

        He’s gone off to the pub to moan to anyone who will listen how he got beaten up again by the Zionists. I hope they’re drunk enough to bear him, I know I’m not.

    • Daniel
      how sweet of you – but the sun has finally started to shine and the smell of summer is in the air and since at my favourite haunts portable gadgets would be of no use I’ve neglected you in favour of getting a becoming tan.

      As to our overeducated nuisance around here I just remembered that we should sent him on an errant musing if Hamburg had been the city under threat.

      Hamburger as a food has come upon us not so long ago. Before that the human Hamburger would have called it Rundstück warm = round piece warm and a Berliner would have called it Bulette while in general German it is called a Frikadelle.

      Do you think with all that intimate knowledge of the German language he might manage to make some friends in the pub and thus get off making wannabe smart comments?

      BTW Heidegger was a philosopher and as best I know quite a keen and knowledgeable admirer of the ancient Greek gods when he didn’t write eulogies to the wannabe Aryans. It seems that Heidegger is much the fashion at US-universities along with Nietzsche while what I’ve heard so far from British philosophers suggests that they are inclined to prefer saner thinkers. But maybe there are exceptions.

  7. Rubin Katz


    Never mind what that ‘know all’ says; as usual he hasn’t a clue. A doughnut is called a Berliner by the people who live there. So what he said in fact was: “Today I’m a doughnut!”

    Silke can verify this.

  8. yeah doughnut i knew it was something like that. doughnut turnip what the fuck.

  9. Where I come from doughnuts and turnips are much the same thing but neither is a Berliner.

  10. Daniel my area of study was undergraduate philosophy with greek civilisation as an anciliary. My MA was in the philosophy of science. My M.Phil was a thesis on referring expressions. Well you did ask.

    • wow – but German popular opinion is convinced, that too much education may do more harm than good.

      Most common is in my experience that those educated beyond their natural abilities lose awareness of what they don’t know, forgetting that knowledge of what one doesn’t know should grow at the same pace as knowledge of what one knows.

    • Tony Jacobs

      They must’ve been selling degrees off cheap then, for you to have so many. Or did you buy a job lot?
      What do you do for a living, teach media studies and Jew hatred to special needs kids?

  11. danielmarks

    Though to be fair, he knows far more about turnips than he does about Judaism, Zionism or the Middle East conflict combined.

    Sad if it wasn’t so funny.

  12. Rubin Katz


    After I posted mine I saw your link.

    I wish that ‘party-pooper’ would go away, nobody wants him here. Regrettably, poor Richard, has to suffer fools….

    We had a saying in the ‘old country’ about such people: When you spit in his face, he claims its raining…!

  13. Daniel what was your area of study ? And don’t say how to be a thief and call it security 101 cuz I don’t believe it, and the numbers that do believe it are shrinking at an exponential rate.

  14. ok well I hate to fuck up parties. I am off to the pub.

  15. Ha rubin its a party A far right racist love in. Well you could have tipped me off earlier . Richard you are starting to annoy me again which is unfortunate cuz I have a pic of you shoulder to shoulder with Alan Lake which have foregone using cuz I had gotten to quite like you.

  16. Sharon Klaff

    Richard, this is a great analysis of what transpires at our universities and of course Roy’s footage not only shows what bully boys these deactors are, but that the harasser in the video actually started to threaten the policeman before he thought better of it, coward that he is.

    A meeting at a university that is publicised to the public is a public meeting. The only way to hold a private meeting is to hire the hall, to pay for it, say for a wedding or such to which guests are invited. Remember that universities are paid for by the public and hence students do not hold private meetings in such public places. In any event none of this excuses the racist intolerant behaviour of some members of the Arab Palestinian Students Union, because for sure Jewish Palestinians are not members.

  17. Richard you are starting to annoy me again which is unfortunate cuz I had gotten to quite like you and I have a pic of you shoulder to shoulder with alan lake that i had foregone using on those grounds. but piss me off just a lil more…

  18. ok c’est la guerre

  19. Rubin Katz

    I should have finished my last comment with ‘No pride!’ Furthermore, when he makes a fool of himself, he resorts to foul language and proceeds to bugger off to the pub for a bellyful of pig’s ear. (For the benefit of Silke, this rhymes with ‘beer’ in Cockney slang)

  20. Richard you are an inspiration. Don;t let the bullies beat you, but do be careful and make sure you don’t get hurt. It is absolutely vital that we have brave people like you who ensure it is not open season from lies and misinformation about Israel. Hopeful there are others who will stand alongside you and make sure the voice of reason and the recording of the hate are not stifled
    Some of the ignorant and bigotted comments on this thread are beyond belief Just keep that camera rolling Richard and show up the thugs and bigots who make false accusations as an excuse to attack you

  21. So is any action being taken against those who assaulted you, or not?

  22. danielmarks


    My love of the white turnip or brassica rapa dates back more than four decades and as a boy I’d purchase them at our local green grocer and devour them unwashed, as others would eat apples or bananas.

    The years went by and though my love never diminished, I did have cause to eat fewer turnips though they always proudly take their place in the chicken soup alongside leek, carrots, the heart of the cabbage, pumpkin, onions, celery, zucchini and, of course, that root of parsley – truly the king of all root vegetables.

    Of late the turnip, together with the beetroot has made something of a comeback in my cuisine as I have learnt that both of these can be roasted alongside a stuffed chicken or served raw with chopped garlic and chili peppers and balsamic vinegar. I recently even fried thinly sliced turnips with red onions and added them to whole grain rice, served with fresh chopped herbs from our settler garden. Together with baked fish the result was not unpleasing.

    There is something about the turnip its siblings the root vegetables that I admire and with which I identify. Their adversaries might say that they are burying their heads in the ground, but they draw from the most profound wonders and nourishment that the holy earth of Israel has to offer, and are unmoved by what fools see as the winds of change, but they know to be but passing fads.

    I am a turnip. Ich bin eine Rübe!


    Oh Rich, your blog is crap and you write like a fifth-former trying to show off.

    I popped into that rat hole to read the codswallop (mixed metaphor) you had written about me, but was reminded of the time in London Zoo when we approached some pink newborn piglets who suddenly began to squeak. Dina, then only seven, remarked, “They must be talking about us!”

    • what a coincidence – only yesterday I saw that they are on sale in my local supermarket – I’ll consider your suggestions when I’ll indulge – the only other time I had them before is one or two decades ago, when a colleague showed me his garden. Then I ate them raw (and peeled).

      Now the German word Rübe is a tricky case since there are parts of Germany where this favourite of mine (raw only) is called Rote Rübchen (always Plural and always with a diminuitive addition). Those which are on the shelves now are probably MaiRüben.

      More widespread names of it are Karotten or Möhren.

      There are endless ways of preparing them but I never get around to preparing them in any way because when cooking time is up they will all have ended as snacks inside me already.

      and wonder over wonders – this humble fruit of the earth has a connection to philosophy – and while I was in the mood of dreaming up my evening meal I’d totally forgotten the wonderful use of it in “sticks and carrots”.

      Jan Füchtjohann hat beim Lesen neuer Humortheorien des Philosophen Daniel C. Dennett erfahren, dass das Lachen “die Karotte vor der Nase der permanent fehlersuchenden Vernunft” ist.

      As I can’t find the original English quote on Google, here’s a rough translation: Laughter “is the carrot in front of the permanent seeking for mistakes/faults reason”

      • Those which are on the shelves now are probably MaiRüben.

        oops I’m talking of turnips now – Do you think a serious immersion in the study of philosophy would protect me from such slips?

  23. well Daniel you are going to get your own page. I am going to lift you out of melancholic obscurity and make you a star..

    • danielmarks

      Publish and be damned!

      You may want to collaborate with Gert. He’s been researching me for years and has plenty of spare time.

      • nah its all done Daniel. You just will have to wait in line.

      • Daniel, you’re a plain, bare-faced liar.

        Me ‘research’ you? Don’t make me piss myself again, you colonialist twit.

        You on the other hand, together with some others here, have tried to find every bit of information about me (you even managed to find a chicken recipe of mine someone had posted with my name on it!) on the Net. You dedicated pages and pages of attempts at insulting me, mostly here but even on a dedicated blog of yours. Obsessive compulsive really does spring to mind.

        I honestly think there may be something mentally wrong with you.

        As regards my state of business, let me assure you that I’m far busier than you could ever dream off, hence the inordinate amounts of time you spend here playing the gossip queen. You sad, sad, sad little person.

      • richardmillett

        Oh, bloody hell. Here we go…..


    I much prefer levity to the crap that’s dished up here by those who boast of being lettered….

    Daniel, you surprise me; what’s happened to your heritage and traditions? No wonder; with all that brassica in the pot, there is no room for the time-honoured lokshen in your chicken soup! Let alone the fluffy kneidlach and kreplach – or at the very least, a few soup mandel’n. Oh, how I pity those who never savoured at the Sabbath table a helping of baked potato kugel, in a golden-coloured chicken soup with fatty eyelets floating on the surface. You may well say, full of cholesterol! Ah, but what a delight! None of the above seems to feature in your fandangled cuisine.

    My zeida in Poland, Arye-Leib, of blessed memory, didn’t know from such things as zucchini, and baked fish, noch with chilli peppers and balsamic vinegar, feh, feh! He was served up on a Friday night with the traditional gefilte fish, carp or pike. Daniel, I’m sorry to say that my bubba Gittel would not have recognised your kitchen! Shame….

    • danielmarks

      How dare you!

      I could have taken criticism of my chicken soup from any person on this blog – but you! You who have slurped of my soup. I’ve never much liked lokshen, to me it’s just thin soggy pasta, but I make kneidlech as well as the next man or even your bubba of blessed memory.

      My honor has been offended and I demand satisfaction. We shall discuss this further at the bar mitzvahs!

    • in defense of Daniel – I am glad to read that he, at least in his kitchen, has been truely mediterranised and in the name of my once-upon-a-times boyfriend’s mother and the delights of her kitchen, I protest.

      The air blowing in from the Baltic is not the same as is blowing around that cradle of culture which is the Mediterranean.

      That said, Rubin, after a winter walk through the snowed-in park I’d always chose your side while as soon as summer is in the air I’ll go as mediterranean as the sorry tomatoes which are on offer allow.

      PS for Daniel: about two weeks ago “my” supermarket had Israeli avocados on offer. They had a black skin, the label said something like ripe to perfection and they were quite expensive.

      I indulged and spooned them eagerly together with horse-radish mixed with whipped cream. Good enough to swoon over, but alas it seems to have been a one chance in a million.

      Come to think of it, Rubin, horse radish comes from your corner of the culinary universe, does it not? And if so, isn’t my way of going at the avocados the perfect unclash of civilizations?

  25. No doubt some of the dishes above will ring a bell with Silke, at least the names. To her it must be like something out of Gluckel of Hamelin!

    • Rubin,
      I know her name of course and I’ve heard a radio piece or two about her but frankly most of them time I am not in favour of such pieces because to me they so often seem so full of, see women made it despite all the oppression and look we weren’t that bad i.e. they are pieces the dices of which are loaded. In short it is too heavy on hero worship.

      But in fact I have two delightful cook books and I even read them decades ago. The author is a Salcia Landmann who gave an introduction into Jewish jokes also which as it turned out were exactly the kind of jokes around the Frankfurt area which I liked best. Perhaps more than piles of info on the horror that made me realize what had been eliminated. The people were gone and only their style of joking was left behind.

      One of the books I am currently reading is by Bella Fromm (this must be the English edition which was the original)

      She came from a first class family who’d lost lots of money during the inflation and so had to make a living as a society journalist in Berlin. I am only through with it up to the end of 1931 but what bowls you over is that she is perfectly at home and accepted in the highest circles without anybody having any qualms (there seems to be nothing of the reserve Edith Wharton describes so well against a Jew being amongst “them” a few decades earlier in New York) and only 1 year later she’ll start becoming an outcast and eventually run for her life.

      In short the perfect nightmare.

      But one question – there is a mystery I am suffering from: why is gefilte fish called gefilte? Doesn’t that mean filled (gefüllt) like in stuffed?

      Jeffrey Goldberg once had a video online about them cooking it at home, not my cup of tea. I don’t care much for indefinable looking pressed together things like that.

  26. Richard are you happy about publishing input from someone who links straight to Alan Lakes 4freedoms site ? Are you being groomed too ?

    • richardmillett

      Could you explain? I only publish what is above the line. I just can’t scrutinise every single comment as closely as you think.

  27. Well you fucking scrutinise mine closely enough lol.

    Ok Kanina is a close associate of Alan Lake. His name is a hot link to the 4freedoms site which is the site devoted to Alan Lake’s manifesto ( you must remember Alan )

  28. Good grief Millett you really are a pompous, attention seeking twerp.

  29. Next time I suggest filming a Glasgow Rangers supporters club meeting while wearing a Sinn Fein sticker.

    Then perhaps you will appreciate just how restrained the pro-Palestinians were.

  30. Silke did you ever have a single solitary thought that was all your very own in the whole of your life ?

    • overdid it a bit last night at the pub, didn’t you?

      To answer your question, actually I did, quite a number of times.

      Your turn now!

  31. Rubin Katz


    Gefilte is indeed gefullt (can’t do umlaut) but it’s always referred to by the Yiddish term gefilte and not stuffed. My wife who was born in France, has learnt how to prepare it but we have never managed to convince our children or grandchildren to eat it. Rather like fish soup, it’s not to everyone’s taste.

    Gluckel von Hameln was a fascinating character. A successful business woman and diarist who wrote in Yiddish in the 17th cent., at a time when the Jews of Germany spoke only German. She was also a noted student of the Talmud which was and remains the domain of men. She had many famous descendants, including Heinrich Heine.

    • talking of Heine – even though this has become a folk-song, the poem has lost nothing of its power – sorry – though the singer is a really good one, the choir is une honte – I trust your wife can help you if your own command of French shouldn’t be up to it. 😉

      But back to Heine, he wrote also the in my mind most understanding poem about lovesickness – if you want a (rough) translation, let me know.

      (BTW I can’t read him on politics – Harzreise – too many dreams, too little real life. How could somebody be so down to earth on love and up in the sky on politics at the same time?)

      PS: did I tell you that I have his collected works in four volumes which family lore says my father took away in view of all from a heap designed to be burned? Mind you I know next to nothing about my father’s politics but coming from a wanting to climb the social ladder working background he was sure of one thing i.e. book burning is a no no.

  32. Michael Goldman

    It is obvoius that rich doesn’t eat enough turnips

  33. danielmarks

    I make gefilte fish, though to be pedantic it is actually gehakte fish, the former being stuffed carp, but the latter mere minced fish balls.

    I add onions, carrots, sugar, salt, white pepper, eggs and matzo meal (flour) to the chopped fish. It should then be either boiled slowly with carrots and onions or fried in deep oil after being dipped into the matzo meal. My mother-in-law of blessed memory baked a large mountain of it in the oven and hers was quite delicious.

    Gefilte fish is eaten less in the Marks family, partly because it has been elbowed out by sushi and other appetizers and partly because our two girls are extreme vegetarians. Worse still, my daughter-in-law, of mixed Tunisian-Polish descent refuses point blank to even look at it. My revenge will be when her children demand to go to saba (grandpa) for Shabbat, because they love his fish.

    • now deep frying the things oder baking them in the oven sounds a lot more appetizing than boiled, but then I don’t care for most of what the Bavarians call Knödel either. A well boiled honest potatoe beats it for me any time with one exception, those made entirely of raw potatoes I had the good luck to eat once in a while.

      this is a recipe from one of the former East-German states just to give you an idea – I don’t think they go well with a southern climate, since they like to be accompanied by the red cabbage in the last picture which tastes best seasoned with apples and crowned by a roasted goose or duck.


  34. Rubin Katz


    Now that you have thrown down the gauntlet, I cannot very well back off from the challenge, as I’m no quitter. As you were the one to challenge me; according to the rules of chivalry, I decide on the weapons to be used, and the venue, all in due course. I would just like to emphasise that what I wrote was in the best interests of preserving the heimishe traditions.

    Indeed, I did partake of your hospitality, but I cannot recall for the life of me what the soup was, except that it was delicious. I can recall things from childhood, but I cannot remember what I had for dinner as recently as last week! Furthermore, I don’t think I slurp when drinking soup; I like to think I have good table manners, though born in the steppes of eastern Europe.

    Anyway, I shall see you at dawn in the independence Gardens in Jerusalem on the appointed day, and may the best man win…!

  35. Rubin Katz

    Michael Goldman,

    As far as I’m concerned, he can have all the turnips he wants; where I originate from they fed the cows with it. We must, at all cost, keep the know-all off the gefilte fish, because that can improve your brain power and we don’t want that, do we?

    This brings to mind a little tale from the shtetl. A Gentile asked his Jewish neighbour, Yankel, how come you’re all so clever? The Jew replied that it is all due to a certain dish we eat, called gefilte wish. The Gentile was rather intrigued and enquired where he could buy this Jewish dish. Yankel said he could sell it to him and put him on a course at 100 Goulden per week. Yankel kept sending him the little parcel each week; the man really hated the fish, but he kept persevering with it, knowing what good it would do him. After many weeks the Gentile finally realised he felt no different, so he went and complained to the Jew that it had cost him a lot of money without any result. He began to question the whole deal and finally asked for his money back. Aha, aha, that’s what you think – can’t you see, it’s beginning to work…!

  36. Amazing All I can say Richard is don’t ever say you weren’t warned

  37. As an American I look at the UK and shake my head in disbelief.

    Since when has equal protection under the law give Muslims the right to offend others, yet prevent others from “offending” Muslims?

  38. I think I was the one who found Gert’s chicken recipe but I strongly deny the “accusation” that I researched for it. I usually by my chicken ready roasted and start preparing dishes from there. As best I remember It just popped up much to my astonishment on one of the many podcast offerings I check before I settle down to subscribe for only the best.

    But I remember distinctly that at the time Gert sounded quite pleased to learn that this brain child of his culinary efforts was still circulating on the net. In fact he definitely beamed.

    As the insulting goes I think Gert gave a lot more than he got. If one wants to judge the “contest” by the amount of filth trown, Gert comes out a clear winner. If one wants to judge the “contest” on the basis of wit, the image of Gert that came across could make one weep any time.

    Since Gert claims to be so busy I assume that his efforts to establish business contacts to the Pyro Enthusiasts of this world have finally met with success.

    • Daniel Marks

      I also have a vague recollection of Gert’s poultry advice. If I’m not mistaken he argued against skinning the bird before marinating it – the claim being that the flavor is held in during cooking by the skin and that if health is the consideration, the skin could simply be removed after the chicken is cooked.

      On a related note by grandmother (OBM) would never say chicken legs or breast apparently fearing that my grandfather would find these terms too sexually titillating, the former were “drum sticks” and the latter “white meat”. Bulls were, of course, “gentleman cows”.

      • your grandmother’s delicate use of language, reminded me of course of the most unforgettable way of eating chicken – I understand you are allowed only dairy products these days. Therefore I apologise beforehand to all who from watching this will get overwhelmed by unbearable craving.

        And it seems our pentecost holidays will be sunny ones which will provide a sorely needed windfall for lots of the struggling small businesses around here. May Israeli weather smile equally on that same group of entrepreneurs who are so very indispensable if our cities and towns shall stay colourful and lively places.

      • Daniel Marks

        No, the milk thing is only a custom and you can eat meat too, though we never eat milk products straight after meat or chicken.

        I was just watching an old episode of Upstairs Downstairs, in it the servants were debating where to go for a day out. Just listen to Ruby at about 6minutes, 40 seconds into the clip.

        Fame at last!

      • besides the fame that was bestowed by Ruby – thanks ever so much for that treat – I think that one never reached Germany since I don’t remember having ever learned what happened to Miss Elisabeth or that Richard got himself a new wife.

        And to remember that treat television once was able to offer was delight – let’s hope our mutual friend Gert appreciates his abode having been found worthy of being mentioned in such esteemed surroundings once upon a time.

  39. Rubin and Daniel – I must tell you how much I enjoyed reading your various recipes. I, personally, am all in favour of “mizug galuyot” (מיזוג גלויות) in the kitchen. Thus, I like occasionally to add kubeh to my chicken soup, instead of kneidlach, and to eat my gefilte fish with matboucha ( מטבוחה ) instead of chrain.
    Ben Gurion was quite right when he said Israel was not so much a melting pot but more like a pressure cooker…
    OK, got to go now and bake my cheesecake.
    Chag sameach!

    • Daniel Marks

      Yes, my kids smother their kugel Yerushalmi with humus too. I think it’s fair to say that us European Jews have all but lost the culinary battle with our Oriental brothers. Perhaps it’s because their food better suites the Mediterranean climate, perhaps because more of them took up cooking as a career, perhaps because their food just tastes better.

      Whatever the reason, the fridge of every European family is full of all their spicy cooked salads, but you’ll be hard pressed to find many Ashkenasi traditional dishes in their kitchens, or even in ours. I guess I have only myself to blame – oh! the old ball and chain just reminded me to cut up the taboule salad before Shabbat……,,(ten minutes later) Okay, that’s finished.

      Shabbat shalom, Chag sameach

  40. Oh “racially abused”. Grow up you big baby. Israeli isn’t a race anyway…but if you are a supporter of Israel, surely that is typical of an Israeli… Duh. That you abused their hospitality and attended with an agenda of your own and then play the victim when they object…seriously you weren’t Mandela or an sang su chi… Your ego is now making YOU the star instead of your right wing tunnel views….

  41. Seriously, are we to believe that the police arrested you and considered pressing charges just because you took a photo. I expect there is a quite different “other side” to the story about your conduct that you conveniently omitted to mention… oh, your poor little finger….

    • richardmillett

      huh? the police didn’t arrest me.

    • Daniel Marks

      Truly an interesting comment. Shaf first dreams us an arrest that never took place and then concludes that since this imaginary incident took place that must mean that there is another side to the story.

      Since this imaginary incident (the arrest) was clearly necessitated by the “other side of the story” Shaf then ridicules Richard for “conveniently” omitting this “other side”, which had it been related would doubtlessly have explained the arrest, which never actually happened in the first place. Finally, to add further weight to the argument Shaf then seeks to ridicule Richard’s finger.

      I believe that commentators on this blog should be required to identify themselves with real names and preferably photographs. Readers are entitled to know who they are laughing at and what they look like.

      • sorry I will not identify

        In 1955 when I was 13 and in dancing school, we were given the very good advice to tell a boy nothing about ourselves until we knew his “social network”

        It was a good rule for lots and lots of reasons.

      • Daniel, how dare you demand the introduction of reality and reason into the Arab/Muslim narrative. This shows you up as the Zionist rationalist democrat you are. Next thing you know, the Zionists will be telling Muslims that they can’t beat their own women, murder their own gays or oppress their own ethnic minorities. Women like to be beaten, apes and pigs like to be oppressed, six hundred years of Arab culture attest to these facts.

      • Gamil Elias

        Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.

      • Tony Jacobs

        In other words Gamil, except for sex, a muslim should treat his wife like he treats his camel. I suppose that goes for his daughters as well?

      • Gamil

        there is something that you men must be better at than Westerners if getting forsaken in bed is punishment for the woman. That is provided that bed in your language is a stand-in for the same activity as in mine.

        Judging from what this Western scholar, Bettina Arndt, tells her audience in this talk, Western women are only too happy, if men leave them alone.

        So please tell us? Is it maybe because you practice on camels and cows and sheep? Does that give you that extra umph-umph that makes your women yearn for more, more, more of the same old?

      • Daniel Marks


        Back in the early 90s during the big Soviet immigration we had a young Russian bachelor neighbor called Michael. I once asked him about a study I’d read that 90% of Russian women never achieve orgasm. He replied that he only knew the other 10%.

        I’m guessing that Bettina Arndt belongs to the silent majority.

      • doesn’t 10 % qualify as minority

        Whatever I liked her for obviously liking men

        Whatever your short-comings (and there are many 😉 you are after all the only other sex we have so you are entitled to some cherishing.

  42. Gamil Elias

    “A man can have sex with sheep, cows and camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.” – Tahrirolvasyleh (fourth volume)

    • OK Gamil, enough now, it’s beginning to get a bit sick , rather than funny.

      • Tony

        I still haven’t given up hope on Gamil coming up with some info as to how camel is cooked.

        Ever since I learned that Lawrence of Arabia during raids subsisted on it once the going got tough I am eager to get some authentic info on it.

      • Gamil Elias

        You are write Tony. If the camel will get a bit sick it is better not to do loveing.

      • Gamil

        off to your wife and ask her about camel haute and folk cuisine. Afterwards report back.